Create High-Performing Employees by Effective Motivation

It is not sufficient that you assemble your dream team, having hired the right fit for every role, with sterling backgrounds and an excellent track record. The lack of ongoing motivation makes any dream team’s high performance die a natural death as complacency, sloppiness, surface-level analysis, and overall lackadaisical attitude set in.

An article by Jeff Murphy on Snack Nation illustrated how people can be motivated to function at their best and help take your business to the next level.

Here are some ways to ignite the missing spark in your workforce:

1. Recognize and reward a job well done.

Many companies dither to establish recognition programs. Immaterial of that fact, recognition forges a strong emotional bond between employers and their employees; this is an important fragment of employee engagement that fulfills a sense of belonging and esteem. It’s not only about recognizing positive behavior but also about rewarding such behavior. In this context, words of appreciation work as well as physical or monetary rewards like gift cards and spot bonuses.

2. Create a virtual work culture.

As remote reams are increasingly becoming the norm, the virtual realm also requires attention. Motivate employees by fusing your organization’s core values and culture into your remote workspace so that employees experience connection and appreciation.

3. Break huge goals into bite-sized bits.

Big things can be exciting yet intimidating. If you have a staff that is geared up to tackle that new massive project, you must ascertain that it does not overwhelm your staff. When you break down your major goals into more manageable chunks, incorporating specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely (SMART) goals, working on big tasks will not seem so daunting for your employees; SWOT analyses help too.

4. Grant your team autonomy.

When you give your team autonomy, it demonstrates trust which forms the foundation of relationships. This creates more self-sufficient teams that formulate their own process.

Motivation is the key to high performance. Leaders require the perfect conflation of applications and tools to motivate their people. eCornell offers a Performance Leadership program that will help you acquire staff motivation skills that work for everyone.

eCornell courses are approved by SkillsFuture Singapore for SkillsFuture Credit as well as by HRDF Malaysia under its SBL Scheme.