How to Write Programs That Work With Databases
Course Overview

Databases power things that we rely on every day of our lives, from displaying restaurant menus to processing payments to tracking likes and comments. These tasks require you to work with much more data than you may be used to, as real-life data sets can be extremely large and cumbersome. Using a database to organize your data allows you to work with it systematically and at scale.

This course provides you with the foundational knowledge for integrating databases into your programs and using them to read, write, store, and process data. You will cover the basics of working with files and complex data structures. You will explore important data formats like JSON and CSV, discover how to write database queries that extract information of interest from a database, and get an introduction to the SQL database programming language. With these new tools, you will be able to work with huge amounts of data that would otherwise be tedious and time consuming to process manually.

“How to Write Programs That Make Choices With Control Flow” and “How to Write Functions to Automate Repetitive Tasks” are required to be completed prior to starting this course.

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