Genashtim is proud to offer Professional Development programs in collaboration with eCornell
Welcome to eCornell
Welcome to eCornell, your online link to professional education from Cornell University. Collaboration between Cornell faculty experts and learning experience designers provides for engaging, rigorous, and interactive learning. Enriching online facilitation by subject-matter experts enables you to work when and where it is convenient for you.
As Cornell University’s external education unit, eCornell has one of the most comprehensive online, professional, and executive development platforms offered by any top-20 university in the United States.
eCornell provides exceptional online learning experiences tailored for professional and executive development in the areas of strategy, leadership and management development, human resources, financial management, hospitality management, and more.
Our Programs
eCornell provides online professional and executive development to students around the world, offering more than 120 award-winning professional certificate programs in a wide variety of disciplines.
About Cornell University
Established as the land-grant university of the State of New York, Cornell University has an extension and outreach mission unique to the Ivy League.
Cornell University issues certificates to participants who successfully complete programs through eCornell.
eCornell courses are authored by renowned faculty from Cornell’s highly-rated SC College of Business, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, College of Engineering, and other colleges within the university.
Ivy League Curricula & Top-Ranked Faculty
eCornell’s unique approach to online learning combines the most effective elements of an Ivy League classroom with the flexibility of an online learning environment.
Expert Led with Structured Flexibility
eCornell courses—while self-paced and 100% online—are facilitated by subject-matter experts, who guide you, challenge you, and help you apply the course concepts to your real-world, on-the-job circumstances.
Start and End Dates Drive Completion
eCornell courses have defined start dates and end dates. A critical part of self-directed learning is to have a finish line.
Interaction & Collaboration
As an eCornell student, you are never alone in your course. You are part of a cohort of 20 to 30 learners from organizations and industries around the world.
Emphasis on Practice and Application
The ability for you to interact with expert instructors, to ask questions and receive answers, and to learn with—and from—other participants keep the learning interesting, practical, and above all, relevant to your work.

Earn recertification credits with the Human Resource Certification Institute

Earn Professional Development Units (PDU) for recertification as Professional Project Manager