For this, the penultimate month of Year 2019, we look at Brand Management, Marketing Information System for the Hospitality Industry, Strategic Staffing Decisions, and Leading Organizational Change.

  • Marketing Information System for the Hospitality Industry – The crucialness of the marketing function cannot be disputed. A marketing information system is the hub of information gathering, analysis, interpretation, and distribution. This series of activities is important to sound and effective marketing decision making and should be at the forefront of the mind of a business – the hospitality industry to no lesser extent.
  • Strategic Staffing Decisions – Decision making is the foundation of any business and the humans behind the business are a part of that foundation. Profound thought is placed into the strategic staffing decision-making process, which considers predominantly the organization’s overall strategy and ensures that those selected for vacant positions possess the skills, knowledge, and abilities required to meet the organizational strategy.
  • Leading Organizational Change – Change is an inevitable part of life, and these days more than ever, it is also an inevitable part of business. The introductory narrative of this article presents powerful imagery. Change leaders are trailblazers for excellence; they face the challenges involved head-on and bring the change process to a successful conclusion. Since organizational change is inevitable, change leaders should be equally up to the task of managing this inevitability.

Do enjoy the articles.