Master Leadership and Service Excellence for Ongoing Success

Master Leadership and Service Excellence for Ongoing Success

An exceptional service culture sets an organization apart in any industry.
The Leading a Culture of Service Excellence certificate program enables you to raise your service standards using modern customer service strategies. You will learn how to evaluate market needs and develop leadership skills to foster a culture of empowerment and continuous improvement, ensuring impeccable service.
You will begin by exploring what constitutes a service culture and evaluate your current service environment. Through various case studies, you will observe the vital role of a strong service culture. You will also internalize the significance of communicating a clear vision with both internal and external customers, sharing organizational ideal service culture vision statements.
You will then identify workplace challenges and develop an action plan to bridge the gaps between your current and desired service culture. This comprehensive approach allows you to continuously refine your service strategies to ultimately satisfy customers and reinforce your organization’s commitment to excellence.
The program includes a year of free access to Symposium, featuring interactive virtual sessions with Cornell faculty and industry experts with a focus on key hospitality topics.
Transform your service culture and elevate your team to new heights by enrolling in the Leading a Culture of Service Excellence certificate program offered by Genashtim, in collaboration with eCornell.
eCornell courses are approved by SkillsFuture Singapore for SkillsFuture Credit as well as by HRD Corp Malaysia under its HRD Corp Claimable Course Scheme.