Unleash the Power of Social Media to Connect and Convert

Social media presence is essential for gaining and connecting with potential customers. Impactful social media marketing involves understanding your audience and creating brand-focused content, fostering customer connection, community, and advocacy.
The Social Media Marketing certificate program equips you with the skills to strategically implement current digital marketing tactics across various social media platforms.
Effective social media marketing entails engaging in a two-way conversation with your customers, leading to positive brand perception and encouraging consumer action. The essence of this approach, known as soft marketing, is to engage customers with content that informs, attracts, and entertains, ideally combining all three for maximum impact.
This program will guide you in conducting a brand audit to identify your brand’s core pillars, tone, imagery, and personality. You will learn to craft a distinct brand voice for social media and develop a content marketing strategy centered around a compelling idea that resonates with both your organizational goals and your customer’s needs.
In addition, you will identify opportunities for user-generated content and design influencer campaigns to build a stronger brand community. You will also develop a cross-platform social listening and community management system that aligns with your brand. The program will guide you in establishing metrics to measure the effectiveness of your social media efforts, ensuring you can evaluate and refine your strategies effectively. By the end of the program, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to implement a fully integrated social media campaign.
This program includes a year of free access to Symposium, featuring live, interactive Zoom sessions with Cornell faculty and experts to discuss key marketing topics.
Strengthen your brand’s social media presence by enrolling in the Social Media Marketing certificate program offered by Genashtim, in collaboration with eCornell.

eCornell courses are approved by SkillsFuture Singapore for SkillsFuture Credit as well as by HRD Corp Malaysia under its HRD Corp Claimable Course Scheme.