Decoding Healthcare Quality and Performance

A healthcare organization’s success is no longer only limited to excellent patient care. As a healthcare professional in this rapidly developing and advancing industry, you must equip yourself with essential skills and knowledge in business and management. This cognizance determines your success as a healthcare professional.

Whether you have your own private medical practice or are in a healthcare management position which makes you responsible for managing people in a clinic, healthcare department, or a nursing field, you must spearhead healthcare quality management and operations improvement. When you lead quality and improvement management endeavors, the following actions are of great importance, and require greater focus and implementation:

  1. Lead the people who work with you in teams or on individual basis effectively. 
  2. Create the necessary budgets to support management efforts. 
  3. Navigate the regulatory environment. 
  4. Understand the various landscapes involved in healthcare quality management which include: 
    • Financial landscapes 
    • Resources landscapes 
    • Quality control 
    • Quality assurance 
    • Healthcare innovation landscapes
    • Stakeholders’ landscapes 

It requires constant and sustained effort and attention to improve the quality and performance of healthcare delivery. Healthcare quality management focuses on several factors to improve overall quality and performance including: 

  •  Improved management of personnel 
  • Strategic budgeting and investment in equipment and facilities      
  • Patient satisfaction and safety
  • Navigation of the regulatory environment                                                  

Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals require the rudimentary management skills to manage their team members, subordinates, and programs efficiently while adhering to government regulations. 

Healthcare quality management’s primary role is making good healthcare better while aiming for the silver bullet. As technology evolves, the aim of healthcare quality management is not only providing the best in healthcare but also to reduce costs. The healthcare accessible to the richest in a country should also be accessible to the poorest.  


Stellar healthcare services that contribute to positive patient experiences are all about implementing operations efficient systems to improve the quality and efficiency of their organization’s healthcare services. Learn how you can improve the operating standards of your healthcare organization and maximize performance via healthcare quality management by enrolling in the Healthcare Management certificate program offered by Genashtim in collaboration with eCornell.

eCornell courses are approved by SkillsFuture Singapore for SkillsFuture Credit as well as by HRD Corp Malaysia under its SBL-Khas Scheme.