The Importance of Nutrition and Healthy Living

As governments scramble to cripple COVID-19 with extreme measures, particularly self-quarantine, nationwide lockdowns, and public safety precautions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, health is severely compromised. The most glaring consequence concerning food and nutrition during this time is the shortage of fresh, non-processed items.

Balanced nutrition not only maintains overall health but also boosts the immune system. In this time of disease, strengthening the immune system is of utmost importance to equip it to fight back infections. With limited access to fresh produce, it is highly probable that an optimum diet is not practiced as consumptions of highly processed foods laden with fats, sugars, and sodium rise. With social-distancing and self-quarantines, staying physically active is also a challenge.

It is not only important for you to eat a diet that gives good health, but you also ought to watch how much you consume and how your weight corresponds to the nourishment you are providing your body with. This article by the World Health Organization (WHO), gives tips on how you can optimize your diet in the current COVID-19 situation so that you can stay healthy and fight off diseases, namely, the coronavirus.

Controlling food intake and watching your weight are aspects of nutrition. You must be watchful about what you put in your mouth and be mindful of your weight scale. A good, balanced diet and the right body mass ratio do not only fight off infections, they also prevent chronic diseases linked to obesity which is a public health issue. Diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and cancers, as well as breathing disorders, not only weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to COVID-19 but also incur expensive lifelong disease management and suffering.

In this time of uncertainty, you should cultivate an understanding of the biological and environmental factors, metabolic rates, and measure the intake of food and expenditure. When consuming food, be aware of its nutritional value, its preparation methods, as well as the ingredients and ensure that the food provides the necessary nutrition while keeping your weight in check.

Prepare to manage your health, diet, and weight ideally by enrolling in eCornell’s Nutrition and Healthy Living certificate program.   


eCornell courses are approved by SkillsFuture Singapore for SkillsFuture Credit as well as by HRDF Malaysia under its SBL Scheme.