Handling Recalcitrant Employees

You may have made exhaustive background checks and interviewed your employees thoroughly. But that does not guarantee the elimination of disruptive behavior at the workplace. You are bound to run into intractable attitudes sooner or later. Chron has published an article that presents solutions to handle refractory employees; it also defines the difference between a disruptive employee and a staff that gets laidback or agitated once in a blue moon.

What are the consequences of having disruptive employees?

While having some members of staff that rock the boat is inevitable, keeping them or leaving their bad behaviors unaddressed can cause these unwanted results:

  • Interception of teamwork – a team’s efficiency will be affected when even one member is not showing up and keeping up.
  • Distractions for co-workers – it can cause double work for coworkers, where a coworker needs to cover for her consistently tardy or procrastinating colleague.
  • Productivity slowing down – inefficient workers mean business operations taking a beating. This directly affects productivity.
  • Decreasing profit – this is the ramification of productivity slump down.

What can be done to prevent workplace behavior issues?

  1. Create a company policy in lieu of workplace behavior. You can outline the types of behaviors that will not be tolerated in the workplace. This way, you can also prevent an incident before it happens.
  2. Identify who is constantly behaving badly despite repetitive succor and multiple caveats. Disruptive behaviors are only disruptive when they have consistent habitual patterns.
  3. Discuss with the badly behaving employee privately. Enlighten the employee about how her conduct at the workplace affects the performance of her coworkers and ultimately the company. If she has a valid reason to behave in such undesirable ways, address the problem so that she may function properly.

Why is negative workplace behavior addressing important?

When you effectively deal with workplace behavior issues, the following is generated:

  • Heightened employee engagement
  • Seamlessness in business execution
  • Improves productivity and profit
  • Avoidance of costly legal liability

You can learn how to create a work-conducive workplace that has minimal employee negative behaviorism by enrolling in eCornell’s Leadership Essentials program.

eCornell courses are approved by SkillsFuture Singapore for SkillsFuture Credit as well as by HRDF Malaysia under its SBL Scheme.