Overcome Unconscious Bias and Let Diversity and Inclusion Thrive

Steps are being taken to reduce discrimination in the workplace.

However, inequality persists at the workplace despite legal and social reformation efforts. One of the reasons that inequality continues to be an issue in most workplaces is unconscious bias.

Unconscious bias can only be addressed and eliminated when its existence is acknowledged. Unfortunately, unconscious bias is ingrained and exists in almost every process at the workplace – from hiring to firing. Therefore, a conscious effort to mitigate this bias is required and this involves identifying the perceptual and psychological processes that influence how people interact with others who differ from them in the following aspects:

● Gender
● Demography
● Age
● Ethnicity
● Education
● Nationality
● Religious beliefs
● Community
● Physical and cognitive disabilities

Stereotypes and surface values must be broken down for personal experience with individuals to be acknowledged and valued.

The psychological processes that impact organizational decision-making require assessment and revision. Employers have the responsibility to design better work practices that facilitate equality and a level playing field.

Implementing diversity, inclusion, and equality in the workplace is challenging because it is difficult to eliminate unconscious bias. You can begin by focusing only on the person’s skills and experience, rather than their gender and ethnicity.

Unconscious bias is a disadvantage that can negatively affect the workplace in the following ways:

● Overlooking more talented individuals by siding with those who share the same views and characteristics as yourself.
● Promotions, increments, and terminations are based on preconceived notions and not objective reasons.

To overcome unconscious bias at the workplace, the following can be practiced:

● Analyze and identify stereotypes and prejudices that may influence conduct.
● Create methods to eliminate the stereotypes and prejudices .
● Work to make psychological factors and thought processes more favorable and less biased.

Continuously recognizing and praising employees that fit stereotypes of excellent employees while overlooking other great workers who may not fit those stereotypes can be damaging. Learn to consciously circumvent and demolish preconceived bias about people in the workplace by taking the Diversity Equity, and Inclusion certificate program offered by Genashtim in collaboration with eCornell.

eCornell courses are approved by SkillsFuture Singapore for SkillsFuture Credit as well as by HRD Corp Malaysia under its HRD Corp Claimable Course Scheme.