Mastering Emotional Intelligence in Project Leadership

Mastering Emotional Intelligence in Project Leadership

Successful project managers drive productivity, oversee progress, and boost performance. Exceptional project leaders, however, go beyond these basics. They demonstrate emotional intelligence, effective communication skills, and cultivate relationships to lead high-functioning teams.

The Project Leadership certificate program enhances your leadership style and equips you to excel in various project scenarios. You will learn techniques for managing conflicts and strengthening team bonds. You will delve into five key aspects of emotional intelligence—communication, relationship management, decision making, conflict management, and motivation—and leverage the skill for improved project results.

By the conclusion of the program, you will understand the significance of balancing people skills with the mechanics of project management for project success.

Leverage emotional intelligence for optimal project results by enrolling in the Project Leadership certificate program offered by Genashtim, in collaboration with eCornell.

eCornell courses are approved by SkillsFuture Singapore for SkillsFuture Credit as well as by HRD Corp Malaysia under its HRD Corp Claimable Course Scheme.