Strategic Staffing Decisions

Strategic Staffing Decisions Cover

Staffing decisions are a critical organizational activity that should be carried out after a keen consideration of various related factors. There are several steps in the staffing process and each needs to be aligned with the overall strategy of the organization. An article on Chron written by Carrie Windham speaks of this activity and outlines its relationship to the organizational strategy. The management of human resources is crucial given that the human element represents a significant organizational asset. A strategic HR staffing plan brings organization and accountability to the staffing process from the time the need arises to the point of fulfilling the need.

In establishing your strategic plan, you will analyze and plan activities that will enable the organization to meet its goals. These planned activities are your objectives; i.e., the steps that you as an HR professional and your department will take to achieve the overarching goals of the organization. Next, you will determine where the organization currently stands in terms of its opportunities and hindrances. Opportunities can aid in achieving set objectives and hindrances can become a stumbling block to achieving them.

In terms of recruitment, you want to entice people who are the right fit for both the job and the organization. When crafting your strategic staffing plan, you should consider the specific positions to be filled and the workforce characteristics necessary for meeting your objectives. In this way, you will be able to have a farther reach and access to a wider pool of candidates who are qualified to help in achieving the goals of the organization.

Once you have attracted the right people to fill vacant positions, you will want to retain them. A retention component must, therefore, be a part of your strategic plan. This will include retention activities such as training and development and the provision of other benefits that will cater to your staff’s personal and organizational needs.

Learn how to effectively plan and execute strategic staffing decisions by pursuing eCornell’s certificate program in Human Resources Management.

eCornell courses are approved by SkillsFuture Singapore for SkillsFuture Credit as well as by HRDF Malaysia under its SBL Scheme.